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Lessons from the Past

Recently I've been enveloped in historical fashion. I find a lot of value in learning history, you can learn a lot from it. History can be repeated, sometimes it is a horrific sin and sometimes it is a smart repetition of wise past actions. World War II concentration camps were a repetition of English concentration camps in India. However, there was also the repetition of the 'Golden Age' across the world where instead of restricting laws about religion and belief, leaders discovered freedom was better, and their economies sky rocketed.

Anyway, with the Industrial Revolution clothing manufacturing has been faster than ever seen before. Previously, all clothing was hand sewn and took weeks to make. To achieve a fashionable silhouette you would layers your clothes in a specific way, and a good quality piece of clothing definitely made a difference. If your clothes had a hole or imperfection in it you would not throw it out altogether, instead you would mend it, or a seamstress would. Sewing and mending was not a hobby or job, it was a world wide skill. With fast fashion nowadays we are trashing our world, a world we have to live in. We can learn a lot from history, we can repeat history.

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