Being a Third Culture Kid gives you a idea of the culture you're around and how to act with it. Whenever I'm somewhere with other people, depending on the culture the person is from, it gives my an idea of how to act. The food is also a very good clue. If it's Indian, I can eat with my hands, but if it's something like Thai food, you eat with a fork and spoon.
I have an American accent even though I've never been there. Here in Thailand it's easy for people to understand me because there are a lot of Americans, but in some places it's not as easy, such as England.
One day when we were shopping in England, we were at the cashier and me and my brothers were in a goofy mood so we were laughing and making jokes. The cash register was super confused though, she had no idea what we were saying! She looked at my grandma and said, "Do they speak English?"